The programme will consist of six sessions.
Each session will consist of invited lectures and selected oral presentations.
There will be no parallel sessions.
Two poster sessions will be scheduled.
Download the detailed Programme (pdf)
Tuesday April 17, 2012 18.00 hrs: Symposium dinner during evening boat tour through Rotterdam harbour area
James Farquhar - University of Maryland, USA
The evolution and future of the Earth's sulfur cycle
Session 1 - Geochemistry and evolution
Timothy Ferdelman - MPI for Marine Microbiology, Germany
Biogeochemistry of sulfur in marine sediments: known knowns, known unknowns and unknown unknowns
Alexander Loy - University of Vienna, Austria
Ecology of sulfate-reducing microorganisms in wetlands - fame-less actors in carbon cycling and climate change
Session 2 - Physiology, biochemistry and genomics of sulfur bacteria
Christiane Dahl - University of Bonn, Germany
Genomic, proteomic and transcriptomic insights into oxidative sulfur metabolism in the purple sulfur bacterium Allochromatium vinosum
Donald Bryant - Penn State University, USA
The phylum Chlorobi: unexpected diversity among green chlorophotorophic bacteria revealed by genomic, metagenomic, and metatranscriptomic analyses
Session 3 - Sulfur bacteria and their niches
Jörg Overmann - DSMZ-Braunschweig, Germany
Molecular determinants of bacterial symbiosis in phototrophic consortia
Hendrik Schäfer - University of Warwick Conventry, UK
Functional diversity of (volatile) organosulfur compound degrading microorganisms in terrestrial and marine environments
Session 4 - Novel sulfur biotransformations
Dimitry Sorokin - Winogradsky Institute Moscow, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Natronophilic sulfidogens in soda lakes
Session 5 - Biotechnology of sulfur bacteria
Mark Dopson - Linnaeus University, Kalmar, Sweden
Towards green mining: exploiting pshychrotolerant acidophiles in bioremediation of inorganic sulfur compounds
Session 6 - Microbial interactions and symbiosis
Dave Stahl - University of Washington, USA
Adaptive evolution of a Desulfovibrio - Methanogen mutualism
Nicole Dubilier - Max-Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Bremen, Germany
Metagenomics and metaproteomics of chemoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizing symbionts
Gerrit Voordouw - University of Calgary, Canada
Fundamental and applied aspects of the sulfur cycle: from Desulfovibrio to oil fields