Contact information
WMSM-3 Secretariat
Department of Biotechnology
Delft University of Technology
Julianalaan 67
2628 BC Delft
The Netherlands
T: +31 15 278 4169
F: +31 15 278 2355
Each participant is invited to submit an abstract. Please indicate if you want to give an oral or poster presentation.
The abstract must be uploaded via the registration site, and will only be included in the Proceedings after registration.
The deadline for submission of Abstracts has been extended until February 14.
Participants will be notified before 1 March 2012, if they can give an oral or poster presentation
Poster should not be larger than A0-format (poster boards are 1 m wide and 2 m high). All posters will be displayed on Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 April 2012. Poster prizes will be awarded based on content, clarity and style.